Friday 10 February 2017

Does Your Business Have a Cause Marketing Strategy?

Cause marketing is a business strategy that aligns a brand with a cause for their mutual benefit and society. Three-quarters of businesses engage in cause marketing, and for good reason; almost 42% of North American shoppers would pay extra for products and services from companies committed to positive social and environmental impact. However, most Americans find the way businesses communicate their social responsibility efforts confusing.
To meet the needs of this growing population of businesses and nonprofits who want to join forces for good, Digital Donations has developed “The Cause Connection.” The program connects a brand or business with a nonprofit, forging a partnership that meets the goals of both organizations. With a focus on clearly communicating the goals and benefits of their alliance the community, the business and the nonprofit all benefit.How do we get started?
It’s so easy, just call 888-705-2220 to speak a member of our “Cause Connection” team.


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