Friday 14 April 2017

Go Dogs Go!!

I loved that book when I was a kid, as a matter of fact, I still like it and a few other of the nonsensical books by Dr. Seuss. The thing I liked most about this one -- the dogs were always on the go, frantically rushing off somewhere – just like we all seem to be doing these days. But when I recently read it to my 3-year old niece, she had a question “where are their phones?” Ah, out of the mouths of babes, today no matter where we are going we are still connected – smartphones mean we are never far from a call, a message, social media, and the internet.
According to the 2016 U.S. Mobile App Report from ComScore“Digital media time in the U.S. continues to increase – growing more than 50 percent in the past three years, with nearly 90 percent of that growth directly attributable to the mobile app.”1
The most used mobile app is text messaging. Beyond communicating status, “I’m running late, ” or in place of a call, it has become an effective marketing tool. Text messaging or SMS its more technical term has an almost 100% read rate and are opened within THREE MINUTES! If you consider that the email open rate is less than 25% the way to get your message out there is with texting!
Texting is simple and direct, probably why it has such a large open and read rate. We know that while the text is not always important, it is going to be quick. For busy consumers quick is definitely going to garner more attention than a more complex and probably longer email.
The newest use of text messaging to market services and products is integration with geo-targeting technology. Using transaction data and purchase history combined with physical location such as proximity to a store the consumer frequents, you can deliver a targeted, real-time offer tailored to the individual consumer. Additionally, merchants in the area of a store the consumer frequents can also make their own ‘pitch’ via text.
Text marketing isn’t just limited to offers for brick and mortar shopping or dining, etc. Commercial ventures can sendmobile couponsand exclusive offers, upsell add-ons or accessories to recently purchased items, inform customers of changing hours, new locations and alert them to when an offer is close to expiring. With its very low price point, small businesses can compete with national brands and marketing agencies to get more customers to respond.
And one more benefit – texting saves trees, which is good for the environment and showcases you as a responsible corporate citizen. Combined with their high open rate and overall effectiveness, you need to add text messaging to your marketing strategy NOW! Because today while those dogs are go, go, going, they are all texting – though only when they aren’t actually driving of course!
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