Monday 8 May 2017

OPEN For Business and Making A Difference

In mid-April, just a few weeks before Small Business Week, the USChamber of Commerce Foundation released their study “CSR EFFECT: SOCIAL MEDIA SENTIMENT AND THE IMPACT ON BRANDS”i. The study looked at the significant social media impact of aligning commerce with cause and the many, some surprising, ways it strengthened the businesses brand.
The study concluded that when businesses, as engaged community stakeholders, contribute their time, talent, and financial support to communities, everyone benefits – the cause, the business and most or all the community. Businesses with a strong CSR do so much more than just provide employment opportunities and their products or services.
Some of the report highlights include the real value to a company to properly frame and discuss their efforts online. This encourages thoughtful discourse and an emotional response, the type that garner more interest from social media users.
A strong, well-thought out CSR can actually convert people’s thinking about a business from just lukewarm or neutral to a positive response. Those businesses who up their social media promotion of their community involvement showed defined improvement of their brand. To read the entire study, click on the title above or go to theUS Chamber of CommerceFoundation website.
Digital Donations works with businesses of all sizes to join cause with commerce to benefit the communities in which we work and live. For more information visit our website or call 1-888-705-2220.
i The research and analysis was made possible through an Impact Grant from IBM, which provided both consulting and technology support. The two-year joint study measured public sentiment using IBM Social Media Analytics.


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